Mohammad A. Albuzaid

Mohammad A. Albuzaid

Contact Information

  • Email:
  • Phone: +966-505-822-480
  • Twitter: @mohammadbuzaid
  • LinkedIn: buzaidm


    Results-driven and innovative President & Chief Consultant with over 32 years of experience providing organizational and leadership development services. Skilled in implementing advanced systems thinking methodologies to help clients achieve maximum results, long-term success, and organizational sustainability. Creator of the following three innovative business models: The Quadruple Tracks Leadership Model (QTLM), Systemic Solutions for Complex Problems (SSX), and Capabilities-based Small Businesses. Proven expertise in designing and delivering customized training programs that enhance productivity and performance. A Certified Trainer by INLPTA and TLT, and a Certified RCA Investigator by TapRoot.


    Work Experience

    President & Chief Consultant at various Training & Consulting companies

    • Provide consulting, mentoring, and training services to clients in various industries, such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, water, education, health, and more.
    • Implement the advanced systems thinking methodologies in all aspects of the services, such as problem analysis, solution design, implementation, evaluation, and improvement.
    • Create and deliver customized programs and courses based on the innovative business models that I have developed, such as The Quadruple Tracks Leadership Model (QTLM), Systemic Solutions for Complex Problems (SSX), and Capabilities-based Small Businesses.
    • Train over 10,000 employees in major oil and petrochemical companies on the QTLM, increasing their productivity and performance by 35%.

    Performance Improvement Consultant at Saudi Aramco

    • Worked on various projects and initiatives to improve the performance and efficiency of the oil and gas operations and facilities.
    • Applied the advanced systems thinking methodologies to design and implement solutions for complex problems and challenges.
    • Led a team of 15 engineers to design and implement a new gas pipeline system using advanced systems thinking methodologies, resulting in a 25% reduction in installation and maintenance costs.
    • Improved the accuracy and quality of the pipelines rehabilitation program by improving the defects location identification methodology. This resulted in replacing the correct defective locations of the oil and gas pipelines which makes pipelines capable to pump higher amounts of oil and gas without leaks or ruptures. Increasing the availability, quality, safety and reducing cost of shutdown and lost products.
    • Eliminated and modified parts of a new gas pipeline through systems thinking which resulted in cost reduction of installation, permanent operation and maintenance of new facilities.
    • Managed KPIs and strategic initiatives for the largest department in Saudi Aramco (Pipelines Department) as part of implementing the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) performance management system. This resulted in gaining an in-depth understanding of organizational performance management and its complications.

    President & Chief Consultant
    Smart Mentor Office – Saudi Arabia
    American Institute for Training & Education – USA
    Kanz Training – USA
    Kanz AlEmarat Training & Consulting – Dubai
    Kanz Training – Saudi Arabia
    Washington Technical Training Institute – USA
    New York Fire & Safety Institute – USA

    BSC Strategic Initiatives Coordinator, Pipelines Department
    Saudi Aramco

    VP Staff – Joint Venture Development & Coordination
    Saudi Aramco

    Projects Engineer, Projects Management Department
    Saudi Aramco

    Pipelines Maintenance Engineer, Northern Area Pipelines
    Saudi Aramco

    Pipelines Commissioning Engineer, East West Pipelines
    Saudi Aramco

    T&I Engineer, Abqaiq Plants
    Saudi Aramco

    Operations Engineer, Southern Area Pipelines Department
    Saudi Aramco

    Contracts Engineer, Northern Area Pipelines Department
    Saudi Aramco

    Contracts Group Leader, Northern Area Pipelines Department
    Saudi Aramco

    Supervisor, Engineering & Support, Northern Area Pipelines Department
    Saudi Aramco

    Systems Thinker & Workflow Specialist, Implementation of Lean Thinking, Northern Area Pipelines Department
    Saudi Aramco

    Performance Improvement Consultant, Pipelines Department
    Saudi Aramco


    Open University Malaysia

    BS in Applied Mechanical Engineering
    King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

    Training Courses Delivered

    1. The Quadruple Tracks Leadership Model (QTLM)
    2. Systemic Solutions for Complex Problems (SSX)
    3. Capabilities-based Small Businesses
    4. Advanced Maintenance Planning and Scheduling
    5. Advanced Performance Management Through Systems Thinking
    6. Solving Complex Problems using Systemic Root Cause Analysis
    7. Leadership Development Program: Strategies for Effective Leadership
    8. Strategic Decision Making: Tools and Techniques
    9. Introduction to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
    10. Developing Effective KPIs for Performance Measurement
    11. KPI Selection and Design: Best Practices and Methodologies
    12. Implementing KPIs for Organizational Success
    13. KPIs for Strategic Decision Making and Performance Improvement
    14. Aligning KPIs with Organizational Objectives and Strategies
    15. KPI Measurement and Evaluation Techniques
    16. KPIs for Continuous Improvement and Process Optimization
    17. Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis through Advanced Systems Thinking
    18. Boosting Organizational Performance through Human Behavior: A Leadership Approach
    19. Maximizing Performance with Systems Thinking: Discover a New Approach to Performance Management
    20. Managing Complexity: A Systems-Based Management and Leadership Approach
    21. Leading Change through Systems Thinking – A Holistic Approach to Leadership
    22. Driving Performance with OKRs: Aligning Teams and Measuring Success
    23. Coaching and Mentoring for Performance Improvement
    24. Safety Leadership through Systems Thinking
    25. Advanced Operational Excellence
    26. Fundamentals of Quality
    27. Human Factors in Safety Management
    28. Behavioral-Based Safety
    29. Emotional Intelligence Skills
    30. Basic Supervisory Skills
    31. Advanced Supervisory Skills
    32. Advanced Leadership Skills for Executives
    33. Effective Communication Skills


    • Certified Trainer by INLPTA (2001)
    • Certified Trainer by TLT (2002)
    • Certified RCA Investigator by TapRoot


    • Arabic: Native speaker
    • English: Fluent speaker