Mohammad A. Albuzaid

Mohammad Abdullah Albuzaid

Organizational and Leadership Development Consultant

Systems Thinking & Workflow Optimization Specialist

Executive Leadership Expert

Senior Quality Ambassador – National Center for Quality


📞 Phone: +966-505-822-480 | +966-549-927-320

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X (formerly Twitter): @mohammadbuzaid

Professional Summary

I am an experienced Organizational and Leadership Development Consultant and Systems Thinker with over three decades of expertise across industries such as oil and gas, education, public services, and manufacturing. My work centers on improving organizational performance, enhancing leadership capacity, and driving operational sustainability through advanced systems thinking and workflow optimization.

As a Senior Quality Ambassador for the National Center for Quality, I specialize in quality management and fostering excellence within organizations. I have trained and mentored over 10,000 professionals globally, helping them apply strategic insights and systems thinking to leadership.


    • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Management
      Open University Malaysia (OUM), Bahrain (2008 – Incomplete)
      Thesis Topic: “Entrepreneurship in Education System in Saudi Arabia”

    • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
      Open University Malaysia (OUM), Bahrain (2006 – 2008)
      Thesis: “Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs”

    • Bachelor of Science in Applied Mechanical Engineering
      King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (1985 – 1991)

Innovative Business Models

I am the innovator behind five transformative business models and frameworks:

  • Qualitative Transformation Leadership (QTL) – A model that redefines leadership by focusing on system dynamics, fostering organizational culture, ensuring corporate integrity, and driving innovation.
  • Systemic Solutions for Complex Problems (SSX) – A framework for resolving complex organizational challenges permanently through systems thinking, improving overall performance.
  • Capabilities-Based Small Businesses (CBSB) – A model empowering entrepreneurs to leverage core capabilities, fostering the sustainable growth of small businesses.
  • KPIs Quality Check (KPIQC) – A framework to assess and improve the accuracy and relevance of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), aligning them with organizational goals for data-driven decision-making.
  • Leadership-Centered Innovation and Creativity Framework (LCIC) – A model emphasizing leadership’s role in cultivating a culture of creativity and innovation, providing a foundation for sustainable growth and success.
  • Shakshooka theory: An innovative model for open systems theory.

Work Experience

President & Chief Consultant – Various Training & Consulting Companies (2003 – Present)

  • Delivered consulting, mentoring, and training services across diverse industries, including oil and gas, petrochemicals, water, education, health, and government sectors.
  • Applied advanced systems thinking methodologies to lead comprehensive problem-solving, solution design, implementation, and ongoing process improvement for organizational transformation.
  • Developed and conducted custom programs based on innovative business models: Qualitative Transformation Leadership (QTL), Systemic Solutions for Complex Problems (SSX), and Capabilities-Based Small Businesses (CBSB).
  • Trained over 10,000 professionals, including executives, engineers, and operations personnel across major companies like Saudi Aramco, SABIC, SIPCHEM, and NWC. QTL training programs alone increased productivity and performance by 35%.
  • Led large-scale strategic initiatives and developed performance management systems to align organizational goals with operational strategies and KPIs.
  • Spearheaded organizational restructuring projects, improving workflow processes, reducing costs, and enhancing team performance.
  • Provided leadership and executive coaching for top management teams, focusing on change management, innovation, and cultural transformation.
  • Expertly facilitated Root Cause Analysis (RCA) for major industrial incidents, leading teams to identify systemic failures and implement long-term corrective actions.

Senior Strategy and Initiatives Consultant – Saudi Aramco (1991 – 2009)

  • Led strategic initiatives within Saudi Aramco’s largest divisions, particularly in the Pipeline Department, to improve operational performance and ensure alignment with corporate objectives.
  • Coordinated with cross-functional teams to develop KPIs and strategic roadmaps, ensuring continuous performance improvement across departments.
  • Implemented systems thinking to address and resolve complex engineering, operational, and maintenance challenges within Saudi Aramco’s pipeline infrastructure.
  • Managed large-scale turnaround and inspection (T&I) projects, ensuring successful project delivery while meeting safety, budget, and timeline requirements.
  • Played a key role in the Special Mission Team, reporting directly to executive leadership on mission-critical projects.

Operations Engineer – GAS Company (1991)

  • Completed a short-term assignment in the Operations Engineering Department, gaining hands-on experience in monitoring oxygen and nitrogen production processes.
  • Learned and monitored operational procedures related to the gas supply chain during a 45-day assignment.

Maintenance Engineer – Sharq Company (1991)

  • Participated in Turn Around Maintenance (TAM) activities during the shutdown of the Ethylene Glycol (EG) Plant amidst the Gulf War and Kuwait liberation.
  • Contributed to maintenance and repair operations during the plant shutdown, ensuring equipment reliability for restart.
  • Coordinated with cross-functional teams over a three-month period to complete key maintenance activities critical to post-war operational continuity.

Contracts Group Leader – Northern Area Pipelines Department

  • Managed all contractors responsible for the Eastern/Northern Saudi Arabia oil and gas pipelines network and facilities.
  • Led and managed large contractor fleets across multiple disciplines, including contractual, engineering, and safety.
  • Created, interpreted, and administered contracts for projects of varying sizes and complexities.
  • Ensured compliance with safety standards, project timelines, and deliverables while tracking contractor performance through rigorous monitoring and reporting systems.
  • Collaborated with stakeholders to ensure efficient project execution, maintaining cost and operational efficiency.

Technical Proficiency

I possess advanced expertise in a wide range of software tools, frameworks, and methodologies that enhance productivity, communication, and collaboration across industries:

  • Microsoft Office Suite: Advanced proficiency in Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook for efficient data management, professional document creation, and impactful presentations.
  • Google Applications: Skilled in Google Sheets and Google Forms, enabling seamless data collection, analysis, and collaborative teamwork.
  • MAC Applications: Expertise in Pages, Numbers, and Keynote for document creation, spreadsheet management, and presentation design on MAC platforms.
  • Systems Thinking Platforms: Advanced use of tools and frameworks related to systems thinking for complex problem-solving and performance management, including:
    • SSX (Systemic Solutions for Complex Problems): A framework for resolving intricate organizational challenges and improving overall system performance.
    • QTL (Qualitative Transformation Leadership): A model designed for driving leadership excellence through cultural transformation and strategic innovation.
  • Performance Management Tools: Expertise in KPI management, Balanced Scorecards (BSC), and performance tracking software to develop strategic roadmaps and enhance organizational efficiency.
  • Contract Management Software: Skilled in using contract management tools for contract creation, administration, and compliance tracking, particularly in large-scale operations within the oil and gas sector.
  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Tools: Expert in using RCA methodologies and tools to identify systemic issues, analyze root causes, and implement corrective actions in industrial and organizational settings.


I have authored over 50 books focusing on leadership, systems thinking, performance management, and organizational development.

Below are some of my key publications, covering topics such as leadership, systems thinking, performance management, and organizational development:

Books Authored by Me

  1. فكر بطريقة مختلفة – أول كتاب عربي في التفكير المنظومي و التفكير بطريقة اللين
    Think Differently – The First Arabic Book on Systems Thinking and Lean Thinking
  2. الحلول المنظومية للمشاكل المعقدة – نموذج مبتكر
    Systemic Solutions for Complex Problems – An Innovative Model
  3. الشهبندر – الدليل العملي لإعداد رواد الأعمال الناجحين باستخدام منهجية التفكير المنظومي المتقدمة
    The Shabandar – The Practical Guide for Preparing Successful Entrepreneurs Using Advanced Systems Thinking
  4. مشروعك الصغير من الألف إلى الياء – يحتوي على نموذج مبتكر للمشروعات الصغيرة القائمة على القدرات
    Your Small Business from A to Z – Featuring an Innovative Model for Capabilities-Based Small Businesses
  5. القيادة بين الجدية والمرح – كيف تصبح قائدًا مرحًا وفعالًا
    Leadership Between Seriousness and Fun – How to Become a Fun and Effective Leader

Books Written in Collaboration with AI (English Language Books)

  1. Are Your KPIs OK: A Systems Thinking Guide to Fixing Misleading Metrics with KPIQC
    هل مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية لديك تعمل بشكل جيد؟ دليل التفكير المنظومي لإصلاح المؤشرات المضللة باستخدام KPIQC
  2. Balanced Scorecards: Integrating Strategy, Performance, and Sustainability
    البطاقات المتوازنة: دمج الاستراتيجية والأداء والاستدامة
  3. Corporate Governance from a Systems Thinking Perspective
    حوكمة الشركات من منظور التفكير المنظومي
  4. Dance of Excellence: Leading with Systems Thinking
    رقصة التميز: القيادة باستخدام التفكير المنظومي
  5. Doing Business in Saudi Arabia: A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating the Saudi Market
    ممارسة الأعمال في السعودية: دليل شامل للتعامل مع السوق السعودي
  6. EAGLE EYE: Precision Insights Through Systems Thinking
    عين الصقر: رؤى دقيقة من خلال التفكير المنظومي
  7. Ethical Implications of Misleading Indicators: A Systems Thinking Approach
    التداعيات الأخلاقية للمؤشرات المضللة: مقاربة التفكير المنظومي
  8. Institutional Work Through Systems Thinking
    العمل المؤسسي من خلال التفكير المنظومي
  9. Leading with Emotional Intelligence: Build High-Performing Teams, Drive Innovation, and Achieve Success
    القيادة بالذكاء العاطفي: بناء فرق عمل عالية الأداء وتحفيز الابتكار وتحقيق النجاح
  10. Systemic Leadership: Thinking Differently in a Complex World
    القيادة المنظومية: التفكير بطريقة مختلفة في عالم معقد
  11. Mastering RCA through Systems Thinking – Symptoms Stage
    إتقان تحليل الأسباب الجذرية من خلال التفكير المنظومي – مرحلة الأعراض
  12. Overcoming Poverty in the Arab World: Strategies for Sustainable Change
    التغلب على الفقر في العالم العربي: استراتيجيات للتغيير المستدام
  13. Permanent Solutions: How SSX Uses Systems Thinking to Empower RCA
    حلول دائمة: كيف يستخدم SSX التفكير المنظومي لتمكين تحليل الأسباب الجذرية
  14. Operational Excellence through SSX: A Guide to Strategic Solutions for Complex Problems
    التميز التشغيلي من خلال SSX: دليل للحلول الاستراتيجية للمشكلات المعقدة
  15. Systems Thinking for Smarter Project Management
    التفكير المنظومي لإدارة المشاريع بذكاء
  16. The Dance with Snakes: Mastering Risk Management with Systems Thinking
    الرقص مع الأفاعي: إتقان إدارة المخاطر باستخدام التفكير المنظومي
  17. Organizational Excellence in the Nonprofit Sector: A Systems-Based Quality Assessment Framework
    التميز المؤسسي في القطاع غير الربحي: إطار تقييم جودة قائم على التفكير المنظومي
  18. Creating a Safety Culture: A Systemic Approach
    بناء ثقافة السلامة: مقاربة منظومية
  19. Engineering Excellence: Leadership and Systemic Thinking for Complex Challenges
    التميز الهندسي: القيادة والتفكير المنظومي لمواجهة التحديات المعقدة

Books Written in Collaboration with AI (Arabic Language Books)

  1. التحول النوعي: القيادة الاستراتيجية نحو الابتكار والتميز
    Qualitative Transformation: Strategic Leadership Towards Innovation and Excellence
  2. رحلة الإبداع: الدليل الشامل لتحفيز الأفكار وتحويلها إلى ابتكارات
    The Journey of Creativity: A Comprehensive Guide to Stimulating Ideas and Turning Them into Innovations
  3. تقييم الجودة في المنظمات غير الربحية: تحقيق الجودة والتميز المؤسسي
    Quality Assessment in Nonprofit Organizations: Achieving Institutional Excellence and Quality
  4. إتقان فن التدريب: دليل عملي لتطبيق منهجيات التفكير المنظومي
    Mastering the Art of Training: A Practical Guide to Applying Systems Thinking Methodologies
  5. تمكين المرأة العربية في الاستثمار: خطوات نحو مستقبل اقتصادي مشرق
    Empowering Arab Women in Investment: Steps Towards a Bright Economic Future
  6. المانحون الأذكياء: فرص مشاريع ذكية لتحقيق الاستدامة في المسؤولية الاجتماعية
    Smart Donors: Smart Project Opportunities to Achieve Sustainability in Social Responsibility
  7. المدير الجمبازي: طرح ساخر لقصص واقعية ومن الخيال
    The Gymnast Manager: A Satirical Take on Real and Fictional Stories
  8. قيادة التغيير: دور القائد في صناعة القرار الاستراتيجي
    Change Leadership: The Leader’s Role in Strategic Decision-Making
  9. أسرار الفوز بجائزة الملك عبدالعزيز للجودة: دليل عملي
    Secrets to Winning the King Abdulaziz Quality Award: A Practical Guide
  10. مشروعك التدريبي خطوة بخطوة: تحويل شغفك بالتدريب إلى مشروع ناجح
    Your Training Project Step by Step: Turning Your Passion for Training into a Successful Project
  11. القيادة الواعية: من الضغوط إلى التوازن
    Conscious Leadership: From Pressure to Balance
  12. صراع العقول: كيف يقمع القادة الجبناء الإبداع والتغيير
    Battle of Minds: How Cowardly Leaders Suppress Creativity and Change
  13. القيادة الممتعة: فن التوازن بين الجدية والمرح
    Enjoyable Leadership: The Art of Balancing Seriousness and Fun
  14. وهم التميز: كيف تخدعنا جوائز الجودة
    The Illusion of Excellence: How Quality Awards Can Be Misleading
  15. الدهاء الوظيفي: كيف تبرز دون أن تثير غضب رئيسك
    Workplace Savvy: How to Stand Out Without Annoying Your Boss
  16. السلامة المهنية المستدامة من خلال التفكير المنظومي
    Sustainable Occupational Safety Through Systems Thinking
  17. لا تدع مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية KPIs تخدعك: دليل القائد لكشف المقاييس المضللة وتصحيحها
    Don’t Let KPIs Mislead You: A Leader’s Guide to Uncovering Misleading Metrics and Correcting Them
  18. القيادة المنظومية لفرق العمل: استراتيجيات لتعزيز الأداء والابتكار الجماعي
    Systemic Leadership for Teams: Strategies to Enhance Performance and Collective Innovation
  19. جوائز التميز في الجودة – عندما يصبح النجاح فخاً: كيف تتجنب الركود وتواصل التقدم
    Excellence in Quality Awards – When Success Becomes a Trap: How to Avoid Stagnation and Continue Progress
  20. صاحب الحقيقة المطلقة: عندما يتحول المدير إلى طاغية
    The Holder of Absolute Truth: When the Manager Becomes a Tyrant
  21. متلازمة “أنا أعرف”: كيف تعيقنا عن التعلم والتطور
    The “I Know” Syndrome: How It Hinders Our Learning and Growth
  22. الجودة المزيفة: الوجه الآخر للفساد
    Fake Quality: The Other Face of Corruption
  23. الدخل السلبي: سر الثراء بدون تعب
    Passive Income: The Secret to Wealth Without Hard Work
  24. إني أراك ضعيفاً: كيف تؤثر القيادة غير المؤهلة في فشل المؤسسات وتدمير المجتمع
    I See You as Weak: How Unqualified Leadership Leads to Institutional Failure and Society’s Destruction
  25. الذكاء الاصطناعي: فرص واعدة للمشاريع الصغيرة
    Artificial Intelligence: Promising Opportunities for Small Projects
  26. OKR: طريقتك المثلى لتحويل الأهداف إلى نجاحات مبهرة
    OKR: Your Ultimate Method to Turn Goals into Astonishing Successes
  27. الابتكار التحويلي: خارطة طريق نحو نمو اقتصادي شامل
    Transformational Innovation: A Roadmap to Inclusive Economic Growth
  28. المستقبل المالي الذكي: استراتيجيات لتحقيق أهدافك المالية
    Smart Financial Future: Strategies to Achieve Your Financial Goals
  29. قيادة الإبداع بالمرح: التوازن بين الجدية والابتكار
    Leading Creativity with Fun: Balancing Seriousness and Innovation
  30. دليل المراجعة الداخلية: تعزيز الحوكمة وإدارة المخاطر لضمان استدامة الأعمال ورفع الكفاءة المؤسسية
    Internal Audit Guide: Enhancing Governance and Risk Management for Sustainable Business and Institutional Efficiency

For more of my publications, please visit my Amazon author page or my Salla store for English books and Arabic books.

Innovative Training Approach: Merging Learning with Exploration

As a professional consultant and leadership development expert, I believe in creating immersive learning experiences that go beyond traditional training environments. Training Tourism is my innovative approach that integrates structured learning with cultural exploration. By conducting training programs in various global destinations, I ensure participants not only gain critical professional insights but also engage with different cultures and environments. This method enhances creativity, learning retention, and provides a holistic experience that fuels both personal and professional growth.

Media Engagement

I have made several notable media appearances, sharing insights on leadership, quality management, and innovation. Noteworthy engagements include discussions on MBC1 and UFM Radio, where I provided thought leadership on strategic initiatives, organizational transformation, and performance development.


  1. UFM Radio – Strategic Initiatives

Training, Consulting, and Mentoring Tourism Services

As part of my innovative approach to professional and leadership development, I offer Training, Consulting, and Mentoring Tourism Services, providing a unique combination of learning, personalized guidance, and cultural exploration. These programs are designed to meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring maximum impact and relevance. Services are fully customizable, offering:

  1. Flexible Locations: Programs can be conducted at any destination, combining professional growth with cultural experiences.
  2. Custom Durations: Whether short-term or long-term, programs can be adjusted to meet your schedule.
  3. Client-Selected Dates: You choose the dates that best fit your availability.
  4. Group Size Flexibility: Programs can be tailored for individuals or large teams, ensuring a personalized approach for any number of participants.

These services provide a comprehensive experience that enhances both personal and organizational development.

Innovative Training Approach: Merging Learning with Exploration

As a professional consultant and leadership development expert, I create immersive learning experiences that extend beyond traditional training environments. My Training Tourism approach integrates structured learning with cultural exploration, allowing participants to gain critical professional insights while engaging with diverse cultures and environments. This method enhances creativity, learning retention, and provides a holistic experience that fosters both personal and professional growth.

Leading, Managing, and Operating Businesses

I provide comprehensive services in leading, managing, and operating businesses across various industries. My approach integrates strategic guidance with hands-on operational expertise, ensuring:

  1. Efficient Operations: Streamlining processes and workflows to maximize productivity and minimize costs.
  2. Strategic Leadership: Offering leadership that aligns with your business goals, driving growth and sustainability.
  3. Business Management: Overseeing day-to-day operations, ensuring all aspects of the business run smoothly and efficiently.
  4. Customized Solutions: Tailoring strategies and management practices to suit the unique needs of each organization.

Whether you’re looking to improve existing operations or launch new ventures, I bring the experience and insights needed to achieve long-term success.

Thought Leadership in Systems Thinking and Leadership

Through my articles, I delve into advanced concepts such as systems thinking, performance improvement, and strategic leadership. These writings reflect my ongoing commitment to transforming organizational practices through practical, real-world applications of systemic thinking. By sharing detailed strategies for problem-solving, performance optimization, and leadership innovation, I aim to empower professionals and leaders in various sectors. These articles serve as valuable resources for individuals looking to drive meaningful change and sustain growth in their organizations.

Visionary Economic Proposal: Establishing a Ministry for Small Enterprises

In 2015, I proposed the creation of a dedicated Ministry for Small Enterprises to King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz. The intent behind this initiative was to create distinct systems and frameworks tailored specifically to the needs of small businesses, separating them from the large enterprises that dominate resources and talent. In 2016, Monsha’at was established under the Ministry of Labor, and I continue to advocate for its transition into an independent ministry to further support small business growth.

Special Mission Team Leadership in Saudi Aramco’s Oil and Gas Pipeline Network

During my tenure at Saudi Aramco, I was selected to lead the Special Mission Team, tasked with handling critical and urgent issues within the oil and gas pipeline network across the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. I managed over 500 critical renovation projects independently, spanning Dhahran, Safaniya, Qatif, and Barri. Utilizing a fleet of contractors, I executed these tasks efficiently without using departmental resources, leveraging my skills in engineering, leadership, contracting, management, and computer systems to ensure the network’s stability and safety.

Specialized Business Services

Special Missions Leadership Services

I offer expert leadership services for special mission teams designed to address urgent tasks and emergencies. Whether your business requires technical expertise or operational oversight, my services include:

  1. Technical Leadership: Guiding teams through complex technical challenges in real-time.
  2. Operations Management: Ensuring efficient and effective operational processes during urgent scenarios.
  3. Managerial Oversight: Leading cross-functional teams to address emergencies, ensuring smooth coordination.
  4. Safety Management: Ensuring all operations comply with safety regulations, minimizing risk.
  5. Performance Management: Implementing strategies to maintain or improve performance during critical situations.

These services ensure your business has the right leadership in place to respond effectively to urgent needs, preventing downtime and ensuring continuity.

Backlog and Workload Problems Resolutions Service

I provide strategic solutions for resolving backlog and workload challenges that may be hindering your business’s productivity. My approach includes:

  1. Assessing Workload Distribution: Identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies in task allocation and workload management.
  2. Implementing Effective Workflows: Developing optimized processes to reduce backlog and improve task completion rates.
  3. Team Leadership: Guiding teams through the transition to more efficient practices, ensuring smooth adaptation.
  4. Continuous Monitoring: Tracking improvements and adjusting strategies as needed to ensure long-term resolution.

With this service, I help businesses regain control over their workload and ensure sustained productivity.

Incident/Accident Investigation Team Leadership

I offer leadership services for incident and accident investigations, ensuring that your business can respond effectively to critical events. My services include:

  1. Root Cause Analysis (RCA): Leading teams in identifying the root causes of incidents to prevent future occurrences.
  2. Incident Management: Coordinating all aspects of the investigation, from initial response to final reporting.
  3. Compliance and Safety: Ensuring investigations align with safety standards and legal requirements.
  4. Corrective Actions: Implementing changes based on investigation findings to improve safety and performance.

By providing structured leadership during these critical moments, I help businesses ensure safety, compliance, and ongoing operational success.

Strategic Leadership Skills Development

I specialize in developing strategic leadership skills tailored for different organizational levels, ensuring leaders at every stage can drive success and innovation. My programs focus on:

  1. Executive Leadership (QTL): Empowering executives to make strategic decisions that align with organizational goals, drive transformation, and foster a culture of innovation using the Qualitative Transformation Leadership (QTL) model.
  2. Middle Management (QTL & SSX): Equipping middle managers with the tools to translate executive strategies into actionable plans, using both QTL for leadership alignment and SSX (Systemic Solutions for Complex Problems) for problem-solving.
  3. Frontline Supervisors (SSX): Applying SSX principles to help supervisors manage teams effectively, handle day-to-day challenges, and drive operational excellence.
  4. Professionals (QTL & SSX): For professionals aspiring to leadership roles, combining QTL for strategic thinking and SSX for systems-based problem-solving helps them influence without authority and lead projects successfully.

Temporary Executive and Leadership Roles

I provide services to temporarily fill executive and leadership positions within your organization, ensuring smooth operations and leadership continuity. During this period, I also work on preparing and developing potential candidatesfrom within your organization to take over these roles permanently. My approach includes:

  1. Interim Leadership: Stepping into executive or leadership roles to maintain stability and guide teams during transitions.
  2. Candidate Development: Identifying and mentoring internal candidates to develop the skills necessary for long-term leadership success.
  3. Strategic Alignment: Ensuring that the interim leadership supports the organization’s strategic goals and fosters a smooth transition.
  4. Tailored Training: Providing leadership training and development programs designed to prepare future leaders for executive roles.

This service ensures that your organization continues to thrive during leadership transitions, while building a strong leadership pipeline for the future.

Conference Representation Services

I offer professional services to represent your organization by delivering specialized papers at national and international conferences in both English and Arabic. My expertise includes:

  1. Expert Paper Presentation: Delivering well-researched, industry-specific presentations that highlight your organization’s achievements and innovations.
  2. Bilingual Communication: Ensuring clear and effective communication in both English and Arabic, depending on the audience and conference needs.
  3. Professional Representation: Acting as an ambassador for your organization, fostering positive relationships and expanding your network at national and global events.
  4. Conference Preparation: Working closely with your team to prepare, refine, and present technical papers that align with your organization’s goals and message.

Board Membership Services

I offer board membership services, bringing extensive experience in strategic guidance, governance, and leadershipto support your organization’s long-term growth and sustainability. My contributions include:

  1. Strategic Oversight: Providing high-level strategic insights to guide the organization towards its long-term objectives.
  2. Governance Expertise: Ensuring adherence to governance best practices, fostering transparency, and promoting accountability.
  3. Leadership: Offering seasoned leadership to navigate complex challenges, support decision-making, and drive innovation.
  4. Risk Management: Contributing to the identification and mitigation of organizational risks, ensuring the organization’s resilience.

KPIs Quality Check (KPIQC)

I offer specialized services in KPIs Quality Check (KPIQC), ensuring that organizations utilize accurate and effective Key Performance Indicators. This service helps monitor performance, improve decision-making, and drive overall operational efficiency. By evaluating and refining KPIs, I ensure businesses are equipped with the right metrics to measure success and align their operations with strategic goals.


Mohammad A. Albuzaid

Mohammad Abdullah Albuzaid

Organizational and Leadership Development Consultant