Leading Change through Systems Thinking

A Holistic Approach to Leadership


This course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to lead change through a systems thinking approach. Systems thinking is a holistic way of understanding complex systems and the interrelationships between their components. By adopting this approach, leaders can create effective solutions to real-world challenges that have a positive impact on their organizations and communities.

Course Objectives

  • Understand the key principles and concepts of systems thinking
  • Apply systems thinking to leadership and change management
  • Identify system dynamics and feedback loops in complex situations
  • Develop solutions using a systems approach
  • Implement and measure the impact of systems-based solutions


  • Gain a deep understanding of systems thinking and its application to leadership
  • Learn how to identify and analyze complex systems and their interrelationships
  • Develop skills to create effective solutions to real-world challenges
  • Enhance your ability to lead change within your organization and community
  • Connect with other leaders and experts in the field of systems thinking

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for leaders, managers, and change agents who want to develop their skills in systems thinking and apply them to their work. It is also suitable for anyone interested in learning more about systems thinking and its potential for creating positive change.

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Systems Thinking

  • Key principles and concepts of systems thinking
  • Systems thinking in leadership and change management
  • Tools and techniques for systems thinking

Module 2: Analyzing Complex Systems

  • Understanding complex systems and their interrelationships
  • Identifying and mapping system components and feedback loops
  • Tools and techniques for analyzing complex systems

Module 3: Creating Solutions using a Systems Approach

  • Developing solutions using a systems approach
  • Identifying leverage points and opportunities for change
  • Tools and techniques for creating systems-based solutions

Module 4: Applying Systems Thinking to Real-World Challenges

  • Case studies and group exercises
  • Identifying and analyzing complex systems
  • Systemic interventions and solutions
  • Measuring the impact of systems thinking on organizations and communities
  • Creating sustainable change through systems thinking

Module 5: Communicating Systems Thinking

  • Developing a shared language for systems thinking
  • Communicating complex ideas to stakeholders
  • Engaging others in systems thinking
  • Using visualization tools to communicate systems thinking
  • Creating compelling narratives to convey systems thinking

At the end of this module, participants will be able to:

  • Identify complex systems in their organizations and communities
  • Analyze and assess the impact of systems on their organization’s performance
  • Develop and implement systemic interventions to address organizational challenges
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of systems thinking solutions
  • Implement sustainable change in their organizations and communities


The course fee is $3500, which includes all course materials, lunch, and refreshments.


To register, please click here to send us an email.

We look forward to seeing you in this course for a transformative learning experience!

Course Title Duration Location Dates
Systems Thinking Fundamentals 2 days Tirana, Albania 2-3 May
Leading Change through Systems Thinking 5 days Tirana, Albania 2-6 May
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