Emotional Intelligence for Leaders and Managers
Executive one day course

This one day intensive course aims to achieve two goals. To empower leaders and managers to gain leadership skills that will enable them to achieve better understanding of human behavior and lead using emotional intelligence. The second goal of this course is to share our long practical experience training large organizations employees on emotional intelligence skills with those in the training and consulting businesses as it will help them achieve better results with their clients.

A more comprehensive course we conducted in different durations starting from 2 to 5 full days depending on clients requests.

This course is part of a leadership program that implements a newly developed leadership business model by the course instructor, Mohammad Albuzaid, titled “Quadruple Leadership Model” which consists of four tracks;

  1. Systems behavior.
  2. Human behavior. (Emotional Intelligence)
  3. Business ethics.
  4. Excellence.

Emotional intelligence is the most powerful tool that can help understand and control human behavior which is a key leadership skill that will enable leaders and managers get the maximum out of people’s talents and capabilities.

Emotionally intelligence leader and manager could treble organizational output through people. This will also boost employees’ satisfaction, reduces turn over rates and eliminate absences and medical leaves.

This course integrates emotional intelligence with the other parts of the Quadruple Leadership Model which makes it of greater impact on organizational performance, business ethics and excellence.


This course will cover the following main topics;

  1. The Quadruple Leadership Model.
  2. Human behavior and emotional intelligence.
  3. Understanding emotions-thinking-behavior relations.
  4. Emotional Intelligence and Leadership.
  5. Self Awareness.
  6. Self Control.
  7. Social Awareness.
  8. Social Skills.
  9. Leading with Emotional Intelligence.
  10. Systems behavior and emotional intelligence.