– Systemic Root Cause Analysis (SRCA) and Maintenance Planning: https://kanzae.com/srcamp
– Maximizing Performance with Systems Thinking: Discover a new approach to performance management: https://kanzae.com/mpst
– Managing Complexity: A Systems-Based Management and Leadership Approach: https://kanzae.com/mx/
– The Power of Systems Thinking in Management and Leadership: https://kanzae.com/pst/
– Boosting Organizational Performance through Human Behavior: A Leadership Approach: https://kanzae.com/bohbp
– Advanced Maintenance Planning Through Systems Thinking: https://kanzae.com/amptst
– Leading Change through Systems Thinking: https://kanzae.com/lcst/
– Solving Complex Problems using SRCA Model: https://kanzae.com/srca
– Emotional Intelligence for Leaders and Managers: https://kanzae.com/ei/
– The Quadrable Tracks Leadership Model: A new model by the course instructor, Mohammad Albuzaid: https://kanzae.com/qtlm/
– Advanced Leadership Skills For Talented Leaders: https://kanzae.com/alstl/

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