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Systems Thinking for Smarter Project Mangement

صفحتي العربية   مؤلفاتي  My Page   My Publications طلب عرض للتدريب  طلب عرض للاستشارات Request a Training Quotation          Request a Consulting Quotation Systems Thinking for Smarter Project Mangement Introduction Traditional project management often presents a simplified view: clear goals, structured plans, and predictable outcomes.  However, real-world projects are embedded within complex […]

The Playful Leader

incorporating the following pages; all links I gave you earlier about my social media accounts and cv how will you change the content of the book the playful leader in   Introduction Chapter 1: What is Playful Leadership? What is playfulness? The difference between playfulness and […]

What are some examples of leaders who have found the right balance between seriousness and fun?

  There are many leaders who have found the right balance between seriousness and fun. Here are a few examples: Steve Jobs: Steve Jobs was known for his serious demeanor, but he also had a playful side. He was known for his sense of humor and his ability to connect with people on a personal level. […]

Advances Safety Leadership through Systems Thinking

An advanced approach to lead and achieve safety that helps leaders, managers and professionals recognize unknown reasons that cause unsafe acts and incidents. Unlike the traditional way of leading safety, the systemic approach consider new systems that contribute to the occurrence of incidents and threat to peoples’ lives and facilities. It exposes hidden potential threats to organizational safety.  This short […]